Skills Empowerment Program (SEP)

ITFT Finishing School acquaints the youths with the Skills Empowering Program (SEP). It is meant to pave the way for carving the niche on the professional as well as personal fronts. It’s a practical approach for the required competencies to be inculcated in the contemporary youths so that they befit in the cut-throat competitive world. ITFT Finishing School has been pioneering in their skills development initiative towards their motto of Education with Employment. ITFT Finishing School provides a skills development program targeted for the younger generation during a short time of their summer break. This program would undertake you through a skills initialization and assimilation process. Skills Empowerment Program (SEP) is of 200 Hours and aims at developing your integral skills through there chiseled and practicum centered programs.
- Attitude Management
- Personal Enhancement
- Confidence Building
- Manners & Etiquette
- Nurturing Relationship & Compliment Therapy
- Assertiveness
- Self Management
- Team Work & Leadership
- Effective Communication
- Decision Making & Goal Setting
- Social Networking
- Being tech Savy
- Photography
- Theatre & Dance
- Creative Thinking
- Employability Skills
- Entrepreneurship